a- Shleter, food and clothes
b- Friends
c- Freedom and positive thoughts

Modern life insists that success is a matter of more money, that more money means more work, that there is only a fast track and a slow track, and that the fast track requires us to lay out huge effort for huge rewards. We worry about how we’re doing, we work more than we want, we buy more than we can value, and we cut ourselves off from the simple joys of romantic love, family, friends, and abundant time.
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Since the pursuit of more with less runs counter to modern life,
we must make a deliberate decision to step off the more with more treadmill. Why
does this seem so difficult?
There are perhaps three reasons:
a- We compare ourselves to other people. As some friends become richer, we don’t want to fall behind. If the neighbors have a new car, I want one too, even though I’m perfectly happy with the old one. Even if I’m lucky enough to own a yacht, I’ll notice that the owner of the next berth has just bought a bigger one with more powerful radar.
b- Our desires are infinite and contradictory. We are restless, ambitious, and conditioned to think that more is better.
c- Many of us believe that ambition, effort, and striving are good, that we must develop our abilities and reach for the stars. We feel guilty if we are not competing, struggling to go further.
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If we must compare ourselves to our neighbor, is it better to compare relative
wealth or happiness?
Stretching and cultivating ourselves is good: we become happier, more
individual, and more use to other people. But striving to the point that we’re
stressed out, time poor, snappy, and unhappy is stupid. We do more good when we
are relaxed and focused. We add most to the happiness of those we love when we
are happy ourselves. We are happiest when we simplify our lives down to the
essentials that work best for us.
Throughout the modern world,
Money and work both count above
Loved ones, who come in third.
There is a saying : It's good to be a dreamer but it's better to be a planner and a worker.
There are two kinds of people in life, there are dreamers and there those I call the risk takers. Today, I will tell you the difference between a dreamer and those who take risks. A dreamer only dreams and stops dreaming when the going gets tough. But do you know what risk takers do? They tell their tough to keep going. Yes , they tell their tough to keep going.
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The question is : Are you a dreamer or a risk taker?
Live your dream, when others go to sleep, you have to keep on pushing for your dream. When others quit, you have to keep going.
-Keep climbing the ladder of success when no one else believes in you. Everyone was born to dream but not all will love to take risk. It isn't enough to be a dreamer.
Being a dreamer will not make you rich. Being a dreamer will not make you successful in life. It is absolutely not enough to be a dreamer because everyone was born with that thing call a dream.
-Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, to mention a few, these are the risk takers. Those are men who left everything they had for their dreams. Do you want to be you and live your dream or u want to be what your family members want you to be? Do you want to die and live your legacy or u want to live trying to please everyone in life?
-Live your dream. You don't need your friends to live your dream. You don't need your family members to live your dream.Only you have got the power to make your dream come true. Only you and no one else.
-There are dreamers who wish they could write a book. There are dreamers who spend their whole life wishing that if only I could become this or that, I will become happy. Live your dream.
When you live your dream, you don't go looking for happiness, happiness will come looking for you. When you live your dream, you don't go looking for others' approval. Others will come looking for you.
-When you live your dream and die, your dream will live after you. It's good to be a dreamer, but it is better to be a planner and a worker. A dreamer will always dream. Results don't come from dreams. On the other hand, planners and workers take risks to make their own dream a reality. I'm a risk taker and i know that the only real failure in life could be not living my dream. I will not leave my dream a dream.
-You have something inside you, something that is different than the rest. Bring it out. Go after your dreams.
Don't fear failure. Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today. Go after your dreams.