
Showing posts from March, 2020

10 ways to prevent suicide

You may be feeling hopeless about the future or powerless, like nothing you do or say can change things. You may be blaming yourself for things that have happened in your life, and you might think it would be easier for others if you weren't here. No matter how much pain you’re experiencing right now, you’re not alone. Many of us have had suicidal thoughts at some point in our lives . Why do you feel depressed and suicidal? Many kinds of emotional pain can lead to thoughts of suicide. The reasons for this pain are unique to each one of us, and the ability to cope with the pain differs from person to person. Some of the thoughts that may accompany suicidal thoughts include: • I want to escape my suffering. • I have no other options. • I am a horrible person and do not deserve to live. • I have betrayed my loved ones. • My loved ones would be better off without me. • I want my loved ones to know how bad I am feeling. • I want my loved ones to know how bad they have

Don't panic about covid-19 and stay healthy

You should be concerned and take this seriously. But you should not panic. Most people infected will have a mild illness and recover completely in two weeks.  On average , it takes five to six days from the day you are infected with SARS-CoV-2 until you develop symptoms of COVID-19. This pre-symptomatic period—also known as "incubation"—can range from one to 14 days. From there, those with mild disease tend to recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe cases can take three to six weeks to recover, according to WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who goes by Dr. Tedros. Read also :  Don't worry about second wave of coronavirus. Most cases of COVID-19 are mild and may feel similar to the seasonal flu before a person recovers. Likewise, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros noted in a recent statement that “seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than one percent of those infected. ” You have to know  Covid-19’s fatality ra