Understanding coronavirus and innate immune
The coronavirus pandemic has turned the world’s attention to the immune system, the body’s defence force against disease-causing bacteria, viruses and other organisms that we touch, ingest and inhale every day. SARS-CoV-2 is a highly infectious agent that constitutes one of the greatest dangers to public health of the past century .Morbidity and mortality data make it clear that age, smoking status and multiple conditions greatly increase the frequency of serious illness and death. There is an abundance of data from model systems and humans that age and conditions of metabolic stress including: - obesity - type 2 diabetes - smoking - heart failure - nerve damage -central brain injury. Read more: 6 reasons why you shouldn't worry about COVID-19 vaccines Viruses aren’t technically alive: While they contain genetic instructions to make more of themselves, they lack the molecular tools to execute the steps, and must hijack living cells to complete the replic