Ashley Biden's personal diary in details with pics


We all know Aimee Harris who stole Ashley Biden's diary after the president's daughter left it behind at a Palm Beach 'halfway house" in 2020 and sold it for $40,000 to right wing organization Project Veritas. In early April 2024, Aimee Harris was sentenced to a month in prison, starting in July, and three months of home confinement; her co-defendant, Robert Kurlander, would be sentenced in the future. Aimee Harris got a month in prison for stealing Ashley Biden's diary and selling it for $40,000.

Aimee Harris
Ashley is the youngest of Biden's children and the only one from his marriage to First Lady Jill Biden. Dates written in the diary run from January 25 to September 18 of 2019 when she was in her late 30s. The diary contained shocking and sensitive information, such as details about her chronic drug abuse, sex addiction, and being 'hyper-sexualized' in her youth.

1- The diary's explosive contents include Ashley's speculation that showering with her father, then-Senator Joe Biden, as a young girl may have contributed to her sex addiction.

 'I remember having sex with friends at a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate),' she wrote in a January 2019 entry.

2- In an entry on January 30, Ashley wrote about her sex addiction the day before her Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

'I have always been boy crazy,' she wrote. 'Hyper-sexualized at a young age ... I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends at a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).'

Read more: Project 2025: Trump's Presidential Transition Project in 5 points

3- Despite entertaining the possibility that Joe could have been inappropriate with her as a child, at other times Ashley appeared grateful to her parents.

'I relapsed. F***ing again,' she wrote on March 16. 'The difference this time around was that I told Elizabeth, Mom + Dad this morning. Mom + Dad worried but incredibly supportive. I am so lucky to have them on my side.'

4- Ashley was also having serious trouble in her marriage. According to her diary entries, she was having affairs with men other than her husband.

'Here I am talking about another man when I am married! It all feels strange,' & 'Started hanging out with a new guy… It's been refreshing to be able to kiss another man.' she wrote in February 2019.

5- On August 1, 2019 Ashley wrote: 'It's time to get back home + work on the campaign. Headquarters in Philadelphia – spent good portion of that time on the road. The work is hard. Nothing compares to that rush/high/excitement of getting (sic). I am searching for ways to escape.'

Ashley has a long history of drug arrests. She was arrested in 1999 for possession of marijuana, when she was an 18-year-old student at Tulane University in New Orleans. She was released on a $1,000 bond, and the local district attorney declined to prosecute. Two years later the president's daughter was arrested again for underage drinking in Howard County, Maryland. She was issued a bench warrant after she failed to show up to a hearing for the charge. Ashley later pleaded guilty and was fined $125.