6 reasons why Biden foisted Kamala Harris upon the Democratic Party (Biden's revenge)


Every four years, U.S. presidential candidates compete in a series of state contests to gain their party’s nomination. The political process is one of the most complex and expensive in the world. No one can deny that the US system for choosing a President is arduous and prolonged, running candidates through lower office contests and debates, requiring years on the national stage, hunts for convention delegates’ support, overcoming lies and truth from the opposition, to attain a nomination for President.

Kamala Harris’s likely capture of the nomination at the upcoming Democratic convention in August will not be anywhere as arduous as this. There was never any significant vetting. She was chosen by Joe Biden to be his running mate in 2020, and when he decided to drop out of the presidential race this year, he appears to have given Ms. Harris advance word of both his withdrawal announcement and his intention to name her as his successor.

1- This was Biden’s retribution against those who forced him out of the 2024 presidential election, depriving the Democratic power brokers of their opportunity to select the Party’s new leader.

2- By fostering the Harris bandwagon, he foisted her upon the Democratic Party and—without a primary—eliminated its opportunity to demonstrate the range of its views as a political party. Now, without an honest contest, all Democrats will have to accept Harris’s views and priorities, and many with dissenting views will go elsewhere in the coming election. Something similar will happen in the Republican Party, of course, but there at least Trump won a majority of the delegates in a democratic process.

3- The Democratic Convention is a few weeks away, and the Party will have a lot of mopping up to do. This is a candidate who has never run nationally on her own, or developed policy positions on national and foreign policy issues she will face in a presidential campaign.  Yet, every Democratic politician running this year will have to salute her platform.

4- Early in her Vice Presidency, her staff began leaving, this is quite unusual, because the Vice President’s office is more involved in overall administration policy than any place in government except the White House itself. But after three years, only four of the original 47 were still working for her. There is something seriously amiss, then, in her management style.

Read more: 6 reasons why Kamala Harris is the worst choice for the presidential nomination

5- And then there are her policies: purely left-Californian: opposition to fossil fuels and fracking, supporting Medicare for all, taxpayer funded health care for illegal immigrants, bail funding for rioters, and defunding the police, that have caused San Francisco to lose its famous luster. On the key issue of illegal immigration, Harris was supposed to be the Administration’s key senior policy official. She described her role as seeking the “root causes,” but never identified any.

6- At last, Biden believed he deserved to be president. He views the presidency as the capstone on his decades-long career in public service. Nevertheless, Biden’s Revenge was costly to his party, and to the country at large.