Bashar al-Assad was born on 11 September 1965, is a Syrian politician who has been the 19th and current president of Syria since 2000. He is also the commander-in-chief of the Syrian Armed Forces and the secretary-general of the Central Command of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party. He is a son of Hafez al-Assad, who was the 18th president of Syria from 1971 until his death in 2000.
al-Assad’s net worth
Report to
Congress on The Estimated Net Worth and Known Sources of Income of Syrian
President Bashar Assad and His Family Members:
based on open-source information generally put the Assad family net worth at
between $1-2 billion, but this is an inexact estimate which the Department is
unable to independently corroborate. The difficulty in accurately estimating the net worth of Assad and his
extended family members results from family assets that are believed to be
spread out and concealed in numerous accounts, real estate portfolios,
corporations, and offshore tax havens.
Any assets located outside of Syria and not seized or blocked are likely
held under false names or by other individuals, to obscure ownership and evade
sanctions. Per non-governmental organization and media reporting, the Assad
family runs a complex patronage system including shell companies and corporate facades
that serves as a tool for the regime to access financial resources via
seemingly legitimate corporate structures and non-profit entities, and launder
money acquired from illicit economic activities.
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Asma al-Assad
Asma al-Assad was born on 11 August 1975, is the First Lady of Syria. Born and raised in London to Syrian parents, she is married to the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad in December 2000. The president's late father and predecessor, Hafez al-Assad, strictly separated his private and public life, keeping his wife out of the limelight. But the younger Assad has been more open.
Asma al-Assad and her husband have three children. Their first child, a son named Hafez, named after Hafez al-Assad, was born in 2001, followed by their daughter Zein in 2003, and their second son Karim in 2004.
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Asma al-Assad and her daughter |
al-Assad, the Syrian president’s British-born wife, fled with their three
children last week, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing Syrian
security officials and Arab officials. Bashar al-Assad’s family fled to Russia
in the days after rebel forces launched a shock offensive that captured swathes
of territory across northern Syria, it has been revealed.