10 Early Heat Exhaustion warning signs without realizing it
It is known that heat exhaustion is a common condition that can occur when your body is exposed to high temperatures for extended periods. It happens when the body is unable to regulate its temperature properly. Heat exhaustion is an illness that can happen when your body gets too hot and can't cool itself. It's a response to losing too much water and salt, usually because of too much sweating. It can happen when you work or exercise outside on a hot, humid day or spend too much time in a very hot environment, such as a home or factory without air conditioning during a heat wave. Early warning signs of heat exhaustion include: 1- Cool, moist skin with goose bumps when in the heat. 2- Muscle cramps: Heat exhaustion can cause muscle cramps, especially in the legs and abdomen. These cramps are often caused by dehydration and loss of electrolytes. 3- Low blood pressure upon standing. 4- Dehydration: It occurs when your body loses more fluid than it takes in, leading t