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7 ways to increase your blood Oxygen

 “The cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.”

 Lack of oxygen weakens every bodily system and is the main cause of disease. It weakens the immune system, which can lead to viral infections, DNA mutations, pathogenic bacteria, inflammation, heart disease, toxic buildup in blood, and premature aging.

 Try these seven tactics for increasing the amount of oxygen your body absorbs:

1- There is a proportional relationship between oxygen and pH level. As the pH level lowers, the affinity of oxygen in hemoglobin molecules also decreases. Therefore as the body becomes more alkaline, more oxygen is released.

Alkaline eating means focusing on fresh vegetables and fruits, and foods with life force. Stay away from acidifying substances like sugar, processed foods, alcohol, sodas, diary, coffee, sweets, and microwaved foods.

2- Eat fresh, iron-rich foods. Your diet can, to some extent, influence your blood’s ability to absorb oxygen. Certain foods can help improve your oxygen levels in the blood. Focus on iron-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, legumes and green leafy vegetables. These dietary choices can correct an iron deficiency, which could increase your body’s ability to process oxygen and make you feel more energetic. Stock up on green vegetables like kale, broccoli and celery.

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3- Stay hydrated to improve your oxygen levels. H2O is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Drinking enough water will help you stay hydrated and increase the oxygen in your blood. If you want to try other fluids, fresh vegetable juices and smoothies can be a good choice. Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, therefore juicing them or blending can help you absorb their benefits in a more easily digestible form. Caution: Avoid sweet fruit juices for example from oranges, pears, grapes, mangos, and pineapple  which have a very high sugar content, and therefore increase acidity in the body.

4- Take CoQ10  Used by every cell in your body, it aids mitochondria during energy production. Aside from naturally protecting you from free radicals, it helps produce more energy for your cells, supports heart health, immune system, and nervous system, and anti-aging. Diseases associated with low CoQ10 levels include Fibromyalgia, Post-myocardial infarction, Depression, Prader-Willi syndrome, male infertility, Peyronie’s disease, Migraines, and Parkinson’s. People under 25 can produce it, however, when you get older, you may need to take a ubiquinol supplement.

5- Practice mindfulness. Begin a daily meditation or prayer routine that emphasizes deep breathing. Five to ten minutes per day of relaxed and focused breathing can improve your oxygen intake and reduce stress.

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6- Try Vitamin B-12 or Folate .If your diet lacks folate or vitamin B-12, eating foods rich in these nutrients might boost your blood oxygen levels. Folate, also called vitamin B-9, helps your body make red blood cells  the iron-rich cells that carry oxygen in your blood. Vitamin B-12 helps you make hemoglobin, the protein that contains oxygen-carrying iron.Boost your folate intake by including citrus fruits and dark leafy greens in your diet. You can get more vitamin B-12 through meat, fish and shellfish a single 3-ounce serving of salmon, mackerel, beef, mussels, clams or Alaskan king crab will provide all you need for the day.

7- Chlorophyll strengthens the blood-producing organs, prevents anemia and gives the body an abundance of oxygen. Loaded with antioxidant power, chlorophyll exerts beneficial effects against cancer, insomnia, dental ailments, sinusitis, pancreatitis and kidney stones. Chlorophyll has anti-aging and anti-microbial properties and helps strengthen the immune system. Choose foods rich in chlorophyll such as dark green leafy foods like spinach, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, spirulina, chlorella and blue-green algae. Juice them for optimal results.

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