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How to know if you have vitamin D deficiency

Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D functions like a hormone, and every single cell in your body has a receptor for it.

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Calcium is one of the main building blocks of bone. It also has a role in your nervous, muscle, and immune systems.

Vitamin D deficiency is very common. It’s estimated that about 1 billion people worldwide have low levels of the vitamin in their blood.

Who is at risk of vitamin D deficiency?

1- People with dark skin

2- Older adults

3- People who have obesity

4- People with chronic kidney or liver disease.

5- Breastfed infants

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5 proven signs that you have vitamin D deficiency

1- Low mood

The so-called happy hormone (serotonin) falls with lack of sun exposure. Our bodies need vitamin D to activate to effectively make serotonin in the brain. If you feel low or irritable, it could be a sign that you are deficient in vitamin D.

2- Getting sick often

If you seem to catch every cold going around and get sick a lot, it may be down to low levels of vitamin D. This is because vitamin D is essential for keeping your immune system strong and healthy. It is recommended that everybody starts to supplement vitamin D in the early autumn to make sure they have enough vitamin D in the winter.

3- Fatigue

People who are tired all the time, especially older adults, may not suspect a vitamin D deficiency could be draining their energy. Increasing vitamin D levels have been seen to improve signs of fatigue.

4- Achy bones and joints

Vitamin D deficiency affects bone health, which could result in a throbbing or achy feeling in your bones. This is often most noticeable in the knees and back. Those who do not have enough of this important vitamin may be at more risk of fractures.

5- Head sweats

A common sign of vitamin D deficiency is a sweaty scalp (this is one reason new born babies are monitored for head sweats). A sweaty scalp could be an early sign of vitamin D deficiency.

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Five ways to get more vitamin D:

1- 15 minutes of sun three times a week 

2- Fatty fish and cod liver oil

3-  Fortified dairy products

4-  Multivitamins

5-  Vitamin D supplements

Fatty fish such as wild (not farmed) salmon and sardines have roughly 400 i.u of D in a 3 ounce serving. Liver and pastured egg yolk have a tiny bit – 40 i.u. in 1 egg or 3 ounces liver. That’s a lot of liver, eggs and canned fish to get a dose of 1000 to 7,000 i.u. daily.

How Vitamin D can save your life and the relation between Vitamin D and COVID-19, you can read that here : The vitamin that can save your life.  

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